Bill S/2918, We must stop this Insanity.

Late yesterday, S2918, legislation that would further expand access to abortion services in New Jersey, was scheduled for a hearing of the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on Thursday, December 14th. 

If your state senator serves on the committee that will determine if S2918 will advance in the Legislature, we urge you to contact her/him now and ask them to vote “NO” on this harmful bill. If your state senator is not on the committee, please contact him/her and ask that they urge their colleagues on the committee to vote “NO” on the bill. When you click the “Take Action Now” button and access our Voter Voice e-mail system, the system will know if your state senator is/is not on the committee and customize a message accordingly once you enter your address.

We oppose this bill because it contains the following destructive provisions:

  • Requires state-sponsored health insurance plans to cover 100% of the cost for abortions.
  • Allows non-physicians to perform surgical abortions.
  • Allows medical personnel to perform abortions in an office setting regardless of the stage of gestation, as long as the facility has one operating room.
  • Expressly allows minors to have abortions without parental consent or notification.
  • Provides a recurring $20 million Reproductive Access Fund (paid for with taxpayer funds) to be automatically disbursed annually in the budget as listed:
    • $ 5M to expand training in performing abortions to increase the number of racial and ethnically diverse abortion providers.   (If you wonder why this part of the sentence is underlined, please read the article “who founded Planned Parenthood” and that person’s motivation for abortion.) 
    • $ 5M in grants to provide security personnel and law enforcement personnel at facilities providing abortions.
    • $10 M to provide “free” taxpayer-funded abortions for residents and non-residents who don’t have insurance.

As Members of the ministry Guardian Angels of life, and people of good will, we must come together to stop the threatening expansion of abortion access in New Jersey.

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