Lie #3: Women will be denied miscarriage treatment.

A recent story spun to make pro-life laws look dangerous was that of radio host Ryan Hamilton of Texas, which is clearly the state that has taken the most media heat for its pro-life laws. Hamilton said his wife was denied miscarriage care three times. However, doctors at Surepoint Emergency Center confirmed that their baby did not have a heartbeat and prescribed Hamilton’s wife misoprostol, which has various medical uses, including as a miscarriage treatment. (It is also the second drug used in the abortion pill regimen.) It causes contractions which expel the baby’s body. In other words, doctors prescribed a miscarriage treatment to Hamilton’s wife on her first visit to Surepoint Emergency Center. 

Hamilton, however, wanted a D&C procedure to be carried out, which is used in both first-trimester abortion and in cases of incomplete miscarriage. When she was not given a D&C — a surgical procedure that doctors may have deemed unnecessary at the time — Hamilton appears to have assumed pro-life laws were to blame. But Surepoint does not list surgery as one of its services, and misoprostol has long been used as standard procedure for miscarriage management. Doctors at Surepoint were in line with prescribing misoprostol according to the guidelines of the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Hamilton’s wife was not denied miscarriage care; she received it. It just wasn’t what Hamilton was expecting. It seems that the media’s fabrication that women are being denied miscarriage care influenced Hamilton’s assumption this is what was happening to his wife, further perpetuating this giant pro-abortion lie. The only act that pro-life laws prohibit is the intentional killing of a preborn child. Miscarriage care is 100% legal in every state;

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