Planned Parenthood lying to women.

This will be the series of articles pertaining to the lies, Planned Parenthood spread in an attempt to maintain their multi-million-dollar business. Return next week for lie number two.

Two years ago today, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in its June 24, 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. Since then, the abortion industry and its friends in the media have ramped up the frequency with which they tell abortion-related lies in order to convince Americans that induced abortion is a medically necessary procedure. It’s not.

The number-one strategy for convincing Americans that women need abortion seems to be the exploitation of heartbreaking stories that play to their compassion and empathy.

Lie #1: Women will die from pregnancy complications

A seemingly endless stream of tragic stories related to pregnancy has been flowing through media outlets since Roe fell. One of the most shared stories aimed at evoking sympathy was that of Kate Cox.

Cox learned during her pregnancy that her baby girl had Trisomy 18, a condition that the media referred to as ‘incompatible with life,’ when in reality, thanks to advances in medicine, people with the condition are living longer. The media claimed that Cox ‘needed’ an abortion for medical reasons — namely so that she could have a different, “healthy” baby in the future. Cox had been through two previous C-sections and was at risk of uterine rupture and loss of fertility with each of her subsequent pregnancies. She knew that risk when she became pregnant with her third child and was willing to take those risks until her daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. Then, suddenly, the risks mattered, and the media convinced Americans that Cox needed an abortion. But Cox simply didn’t want to take those same risks with a child who had a disability. Cox just announced she is pregnant again. What she didn’t say was this pregnancy carries the same risks to her health due to her previous two C-sections, but she is willing to carry to term, because this baby has so far been deemed “healthy.”

In another tragic story, Kristen Anaya was 16 and a half weeks pregnant when her water broke. She was suffering from preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), but according to her recounting of the story, doctors said she had to “get very sick” — she did develop sepsis — before they could help her, because abortion is prohibited in Texas unless the mother’s life is at risk.

The standard of care for PPROM is not induced abortion; it’s induced preterm delivery, when necessary. Cleveland Clinic explains that a doctor should keep a woman with PPROM on bed rest in the hospital and attempt to prevent preterm delivery while monitoring the mother for signs of infection — not kill her baby. If the baby must be delivered or labor is unable to be stopped, this is not an induced abortion. It’s preterm delivery, and even if the baby is too young to survive, it is not considered an abortion.

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